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‘Meet Isabelle’.

Isabelle supports women in connecting to their sensual and magnetic feminine power

She reminds you to go back to your feminine essence and live with an open heart full of love, connecting you to our inner power and becoming a vessel of the divine...

Isabelle is a women’s work facilitator, embodiment coach, Pilates instructor, health coach and cacao ceremonialist who supports women in connecting to their sensual and magnetic feminine power. Isabelle guides this with her deeply feminine and playful energy. She reminds you to go back to your feminine essence and live with an open heart full of love, connecting you to our inner power and becoming a vessel of the divine.

Isabelle lost almost everything at once; her job, her relationship and her house.  

Isabelle always knew she had a purpose, yet she’d lost it for a while. For over thirteen years, Isabelle worked in the fashion industry in a successful career that looked very glamorous on the outside. In reality, she was working in an extremely high-pressure, stressful and unfriendly environment.

Five years ago, Isabelle lost almost everything at once; her job (due to the Coronavirus), her relationship and her house. She became a single mother of three children.
Isabelle came to terms with that she hadn’t felt inspired by her job in the fashion industry for a long time anymore. Simultaneously, she was also stepping out of a toxic relationship.

Even in the midst of losing a lot all at once, a big, heavy load was falling off her shoulders. Looking back, Isabelle realized that the universe was helping her to become her true self again, removing everything that was not for her highest good and was blocking her spiritual growth and true essence of why she is on this planet.

Isabelle  returned to her true essence of why she is her on this planet 

She started to work on herself, changed her career and began working with high-end clients whom she offered private Pilates classes. At the same time, she was learning more and more about different healing methods and started to study as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She learned to understand the energetics of the body, the inner workings of our consciousness, the unique essence of the spirit, and how everything is connected and works together. Isabelle used these tools to heal herself and later started helping other women with her new-found knowledge.

Two years ago, Isabelle went on a ‘Divine Feminine Retreat’ in Ibiza. This retreat was life-changing for her. Isabelle felt the calling to help rise the divine feminine energy in this world and started implementing all her new insights into the path and offerings of her heart and soul.

Her soul was so happy that she was freeing herself. Even though it was a hard period for her, becoming a single mother with three children and rebuilding a new foundation for her life. During that time, her energy level became very low, and she had the feeling her energy was ‘stuck’ in her body. Isabelle was diagnosed with PTSS syndrome and struggled with several burn-out symptoms. Isabelle knew it was time for a drastic change in her life, as she could not continue as she had before.

She’s looking forward to inviting you on the journey with her!

From that moment on, she was studying the ins and outs of divine feminine and sacred priestess practices. Isabelle also started to organize Women’s Divine Feminine Cacao Ceremonies in Amsterdam, went to different trainings/retreats in Ibiza, and started working with a personal mentor, where she dived deeply into the work of the divine feminine, feminine embodied work (breathwork and dance), the balance between feminine and masculine energy and personal and collective wounds. 

This year Isabelle decided it’s time to make her dream come true and will organize her first women’s retreats in Ibiza. Isabelle is your perfect host, as her warm, caring and loving energy will make you feel right at home. She creates spaces where the feminine can flow and blossom, to be fully expressed through you, as you.

‘Every women is a Goddess, for she has the capacity to embody the divine feminine Shakti in full radiant force.’

A few things I beleive

The universe won't task you with things you aren't equipped to handle.

beautiful goddess 

I cannot wait to welcome you !

Are you ready for this beautiful, magical and empowering journey?

sign up for retreat